P.Mean >> Statistics webinar >> Statistical Literacy for Medical Librarians: Swimming in a Sea of Conflicting Medical Claims.

This is a live seminar, not a webinar, but I thought I'd store the information and handouts here. This is a four hour short course, taught for the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association on October 3, 2012 in Kansas City, MO. You can also find details about this class on the web at
--> http://www.mcmla.org/2012CE

Abstract: In your role as librarian, do you need to know, or want to increase your knowledge about statistical concepts such as confidence intervals, odds ratios, p-values, and measures of risk? Do you strive to interpret the medical literature, and wish you understood more clearly how studies relate to research findings and conclusions? If so, this class is for you. We will use selected articles from the medical literature as examples, and through a combination of lecture, practice, and quizzes to check your knowledge, help to further your understanding of the statistical terms and methods behind randomized trials, observational studies, and meta-analysis.


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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. This page was written by Steve Simon and was last modified on 2017-06-15.