Surromed and the DecisionSite S-Plus Server Solution (December 8, 2004)

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Keith Joho from Surromed, Michael O'Connell from Insightful and Ed Tobin from Spotfire presented a web seminar on Suromed and the DecisionSite S-Plus Server Solution.

Spotfire's DecisionSite software provides interactive visualization and guided data analysis useful for the average scientist. S-plus provides ihhg qulaity well tested statistical and graphical functions. Using the S-plus server to link to DecisionSite, you can get the best of both worlds. This seminar showed a simple example using analysis of variance for microarray data. They also outlined how this system can be used to search for biomarkers.

These systems used SOAP, an XML standard for exchange of structured information between applications in a decentralized computing environment. This is another example of how XML is revolutionizing the practice of Statistics.

Further details are on the web at